Posted at 06/20/2022
Home  »  News   »   ARMIFERUM Against The Wind (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)

“Against the Wind”, the first single and music video by São Paulo’s Prog/Power Metal band, Armiferum, was released in the early hours of this Monday, June 20th. The band’s bold proposal to start the week with such an important debut is a reflection of the musicians’ confidence in their upcoming repertoire and the band’s personality.

Listen to the single here:
https://open.spotify.com/track/6QhtxzFA5zvEDpeYEaHlai?si= 17c582e2059c4402

Watch the music video for “Against the Wind” below:

Armiferum was formed in 2020 by musicians Ian Gonçalves (Vocals), Guto Cardozo (Guitar), Rafael Bochnia (Bass) and Raphael Miotto (Drums). Despite its recent trajectory, the band already has two entire albums practically finished and has been preparing for the release of its debut, anticipated by the isolated release of “Against The Wind”, a song that will not appear on any of the following two albums.

On the release of “Against the Wind”, singer Ian Gonçalves highlighted:

“This song is a sample of what’s to come. We’re finishing the production of the first album and we’re already halfway through the production of the second. We want to make our history in the metal world. And, detail: this song is a single that doesn’t is part of the album. So you’ll still have a lot of top-notch unreleased stuff ahead of you. We’ve got the best producers, amazingly well-written songs and a whole world to showcase them. We’re here to find our space in the world and touch lives with these songs.” .

“There was no better music to introduce Armiferum to the world! All of this was the result of a journey that has been going on for some years, and that is now starting to unfold and deliver its fruits, the first being Against the Wind, music that will present not only our sound but also our face”, added guitarist Guto Cardozo

“Against the Wind” is produced by Guto Cardozo, music and lyrics by Guto Cardozo and Raphael Miotto and the music video was filmed, directed and edited by Felipe Hervoso, from Noiseforge Productions, and makeup by Aline Miya.

Filmed, directed and edited by Felipe Hervoso (Noiseforge)
Assistance by Felipi Grivol, Lucas Costa Paulo
Makeup by Aline Miyazato

Music & lyrics by Guto Cardozo, Raphael Miotto
Mixed & Mastered by Guto Cardozo

We’d like to express our most sincere gratitude to Hell Yeah Music Company!

Passing through the darkest moments of my life
Searching for a little glimpse of light
Why does sorrow always chases me
Is there a way to escape from this cruel reality?

Now I’m trapped in this box of illusions
From here to eternity

running against the wind I’m
Trying to rearrange my life
Picking up the pieces of my soul

My heart rises from the ashes
Like a burning phoenix
Set ablaze with the power of my will

Tasting the power
Causes many to lose their ways
The battle between good and evil
Is not as clear as one might say

Forced to chose
A path without knowing where it leads to
A leap of faith
In search of fortune

Check out national and international reviews about the release:
Rio Metal Press
Sevilla Metal

Categoria/Category: News