The renowned band Dr. Sin is preparing to return to the stage with an epic show in the city of São Paulo. This show is a partnership with the Minas Gerais heavy metal band Medjay, which also features Armiferum as opening act. Formed by Andria Busic (vocals and bass), Ivan Busic (drums) and Thiago Melo...
“Reach For The Light” ends a six-month wait since the band’s first single Power Metal band Armiferum have released their highly anticipated debut album, “Reach for the Light”. The album was anticipated by the release of the single and music video for “Against the Wind”, which earned the band a nomination for Best Metal Band...
“Against the Wind”, the first single and music video by São Paulo’s Prog/Power Metal band, Armiferum, was released in the early hours of this Monday, June 20th. The band’s bold proposal to start the week with such an important debut is a reflection of the musicians’ confidence in their upcoming repertoire and the band’s personality....
It is with great pride and joy that we announce another amazing band arriving at the Hell Yeah Music Company Cast, the very talented Ian Gonçalves (Vocals), Guto Cardozo (Guitar), Rafael Bochnia (Bass) and Raphael Miotto (Drums), by Armiferum. Armiferum is a Brazilian Prog/Power Metal band, formed in São Paulo, in 2020, and despite its...
Raphael having a beer in a pub in Russia with Mike Orlando and Henrique Pucci on tour with Disturbed!
ARMIFERUM confirmed the accession of Rafael Bochnia (ex-West Hill), as new bassist. The newly added is already in the process of recording the basses for the band’s first album. At the same time, the group announced that composer Fred Silveira will be responsible for orchestrating the 10 tracks that make up the upcoming work, which...
ARMIFERUM announced that the composer Fred Silveira will be responsible for the orchestrations of the 10 tracks that make up his first album. Fred is an actor, voice actor, singer, songwriter and record producer. His work in composing scores for theater and cinema has received some nominations and awards in the category. He is the...
ARMIFERUM finished, this past weekend, the guitar recordings of their debut album directly from the São Paulo studio, Fusão. The band continues working on bass recordings and will soon record vocals. The full-length is being produced by Douglas das Neves and is expected to be available in the second half of 2021.
ARMIFERUM has confirmed that drummer Henrique Pucci, from the Brazilian progressive metal band, Noturnall, has finished the drum recordings of the group’s upcoming debut album, still untitled. The band continues working on bass and guitar recordings, and will soon record vocals. The full-length is being produced at the São Paulo studio Fusão under the responsibility...
ARMIFERUM made available on its official YouTube channel a live performing 3 tracks belonging to its debut album, they are: “Bring the Light”, “The Balance” and “The Merchant ”. The upcoming full-length is being produced at the São Paulo studio Fusão under the responsibility of Douglas das Neves and is scheduled to be released in...